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 Sugiura Clan

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Posts : 27
Join date : 2009-08-23
Age : 73
Location : BEHIND YOU!!!!!

Character sheet
Name: Ujiro Sugiura
Age: 25
Group: Hidden Mist

Sugiura Clan Empty
PostSubject: Sugiura Clan   Sugiura Clan Icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2009 9:10 am

This clan is limited to 10 members including myself, also must rp how they overcame the clan's blood diease in there history.I will be changing the requirements alittle for the mist clans.

Clan Name: Sugiura

Clan Seal: A tidal wave rushing around a sword

Clan Weapon: A custom katana made by user, but some may have other bladed weapon.

Clan Element: Wind

Clan Fighting style: A style unique to all members but focusing mainly around kenjutsu and taijutsu.

Clan Dress/markings: All members are branded by the clan seal as children, the seals location on the body may vary. The clan favors weighted capes and other accessories to provide continuous training even when not fighting. They also tend to grow there hair long.

Clan Code: The clan has a strict honor code due to its ancient samurai linage and a strong nindo to be the best and to attain the ultimate skill. The clan does not fight women and shows no mercy to an enemy. the shame of defeat is not tolerated and is followed by seppuku, But with the loss of the clan structure most of the newer generation has lost these teachings but the mizukage has recorded all the clans teachings.

Clan Strengths: Incredible speed, strength and stamina. There naturely gifted when it comes to battle and because of the knowledge gained by centuries of battle, they have access to a vast array of fighting techniques from all over the world.

Clan Weaknesses: There code of honor prevents the use of genjutsu thus they have no real skill with it. They clan is plagued by a diease that kills the members( to be in clan must rp how you overcame this)They primarily use there weapons and taijutsu to win battles and any loss in battle results in death.

Clan History: The sugiura clan is one of the oldest clans in the mist, it was founded by Taiki Sugiura a former samurai turned ronin. He was a warrior that wished for the ultimate style of fighting and began to learn the shinobi arts to further his skills. He made his way across the world leraning all he could until finally settling down on the outskirts of the mist village. The clan was quickly adopted by the mist which was in its infancy at the time, the clan soon prospered within the shinobi ranks while still keeping its samurai code. During the years of war the clan was able to grow even more powerful due to there bloodline ability which allowed them to capture there enemies skill and use it againest them. The clan produced many skilled shinobi and were the first of the legendary mist swordsman, but after centuries of peace the clan began to fade. The clan had a rare diease that began to cripple the youth of the clan, killing many before they could even walk it seemed the clan was finished and with there numbers fading away the clan began to seperate to all corners of the world. Some searching for cures others resorted to drastic measures and envoked powerful seals and summons to protect there children, but there inexperience costed the clan more children until the story of one child surviving the ritual but at the cost of a family. Its been more then fifteen years and there is only record of one survivior of the clan, he is the mizukage and is seraching for a way to save his clan.

Bloodline Name(optional): (Like the Sharingan or the Byakugan) Gakumon

Description:Its a body and eye ability that enables the user to copy any form of taijutsu or kenjutsu by either watching the move or by being struck by it. Afterwards the user is able to use the technique or if skilled enough able to alter the technique to his own style of battle. The gakumon has no visual characteristics that allow an enemy to know its there, due to this ability the clan must train there bodies to be able to withstand any form of punishment and be fit enough to perform any technique copied.

Drawbacks(optional): (Necessary if bloodline is powerful)

Clan Jutsus: (Jutsus only your clan can use(Attach Jutsu template to this))

Jutsu Name:Hanpatsu Suru

Jutsu Type: (Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, or Taijutsu)Tai and kenjutsu

Chakara Element: (Ninjutsu Only)none

Description: (Be as accurate as possible)The user can activate this at any time even when sleeping or eating. He focuses his chakra into an almost undetectable sphere around his body, depending on his skill the range of the sphere may vary. But with this technique the user is able to react to any movement that enters the sphere even if he doesnt see it. So in essence its like a cocoon of tripwires around the user that alert him to danger, the user can then then use his quick reflexes to counter or defend with devestating force because of the instinct attack. The higher level users can often sense the difference between the objects that enter the sphere such as human, rain, projectile weapons and can even detect enemy hiding below the ground.

Drawbacks: (optional)One drawback is the technique allows the user to sense the danger but if the user isn't fast enough to do anything then the move is broken. If the user can not see ( in a dark cave with no light) and uses the technique and an ally happens to step in the chakra sphere there is no way for the user to tell the difference between enemy and friend.

Skill Level: (Necessary Rank) C

Sphere Range:
Some special genin:anything within the length of there arm.One time post use.
Chunin:can detect anything above ground 10ft in all directions but cannot sense shape (human, bird, bug)lasts two posts
Jounin:Can detect all above ground objects within 20ft and tell what they are.lasts 3 posts
Tai Specialist/weapon specialist: Range 35ft all directions and can id the object down to weight and size. With minor skill in underground detection. lasts 5 posts
Sanin and kages: Range 50ft all directions, sense the underground enough to tell if its human or not. lasts 7 posts

(this is my experiment and is what im looking for when making a clan for mist village, also this clan can be used by all but must check with me.Special rules and requirements must be met before your created character is approved to be in clan.Any other questions about clan ask me. More techniques and clan will come but for now baby steps.)
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