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 Ujiro Sugiura

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Join date : 2009-08-23
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Character sheet
Name: Ujiro Sugiura
Age: 25
Group: Hidden Mist

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PostSubject: Ujiro Sugiura   Ujiro Sugiura Icon_minitimeMon Aug 24, 2009 4:22 am

Name: Ujiro Sugiura


Academy Age:7

Chuunin Exam Age:10



Rank: Mizukage(if possible)

Appearance: Ujiro stands around 6´2 and weights about 210, of pure muscle, he has long jet black hair and a tannish complexion. He has dark brown eyes that pierce through you, that go along with his emotionless face.He wears a dark blue sleevless shirt that shows off the guns a bit, along with dark blue ninja pants. He also wears blue boots that have no tread and are very light weight while remaining very durable. He wears a long white kage coat over this but leaves it open, the coat has a red collar and has red lining down the edges of the coat. He carries a long sword that resembles a ocean blue stick, he carries this in his left hand at all times. The rest of his gear is carefully hidden in his kage coat and in scolls.

Personality: He is very calm and cold, but he still has a soft side that very few get to see. He is a demon in battle but a kind ruler. He is an incredible fighter but if given the option he would prefer not to fight, he leads by example and seeks perfection from himself and those that follow him. He is selfless and though he comands perfection he will not put the mission above the lives of his people.

Chakara Element(s): (Two if Jounin or up) water and air

Chakara Control: (How well you control your chakara) 100%

Specialty(Optional(Necescary if you are a Special Jounin)): (Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, ect.)kenjutsu, taijutsu, ninjutsu and genjutsu in that order of mastery and perference.

Fight Style:kenjutsu

Occupation (Optional): (Aside from doing missions: Medical ninja, teachers, ect.) Leader

History: (At least 5 sentences, and be thorough)Ujiro was born on the out skirts of the mist village into one of the villages oldest clan the suguira. The clan was known for its skill with the sword and most of its members were talented jonin, and 3 of there ninja were part of the 7 swordsmen. But the clan in recent years was starting to lose its members to a rare blood illness, that affected the nervous system and caused paralysis at a young age. Ujiro was also born with this infection but was able to overcome it with the help of his family. His uncle was the current leader of the clan and a powerful ninja when it came to the ancient arts, so the uncle used his knowledge of this secret technique to infuse ujiro with a water dragon spirit. But the cost of this spell was the life of his uncle, father and mother. Ujiro was left in the care of his aunt until he could enter the ninja academy, his aunt and the rest of his clan soon fell into extinction from the illness. Ujiro was alone and his first act upon this knowledge was to bury his clan and made a vow to honor the sacrifice his family had made for him. He the devoted himself completely to the study of the vast array of ninja arts to become powerful enough to restart his clan and to protect them.His time in the academy was short because of his incredible skill but due to this he had not made many friends, he had a heavy heart but his determination was unwavering, he would see his goal complete no matter what.When he had made it to genin he was still distant from his team but he held up his end of the work load and soon without knowing it he was slowly warming up to them and vice-versa. the team past there chunin exams a year later, when the team became chunin they were a force to be reckoned with and had build quite the reputation in the ninja world. It was a few years later when they were jonin that Ujiro´s heart would shatter again when on a mission they encountered a foe far stronger then they could have imagined. When on a simple protection mission they were attacked by the akatsuki, they were seeking the demon that had remained dormant inside Ujiro, the began to attack the team and the merchant they were protecting. The battle was firece and in the end ujiro and the team were drawn into a standstill as the two enemy had scattered the merchants caravan, they were out matched and with the enemy drawing closer his team decided to make a sacrifice and used a deadly suicide technique and both of them charged the enemy and with a massive burst of energy the died along with the 2 enemy akatsuki members. Once again he was alone, he was wounded from the battle and when he finally made it back he spent a great deal of time in the hospital. When he got out he devoted himself even more to the study of ninja and before long he had been chosen by the hokage to join the mist hunters. After a few years of that he was known for his vast ninja ability and he was now able to control about 60% of the dragons strength. He placed his name in the running for mizukage at the age of 23. At first he had been deemed unworthy because of the closed heart he carried and the mizukage denied him but had still not picked anyone. Ujiro became the unofficial student of the mizukage and in a few years Ujiro had learned many things from him and he now considered the kage as a father. At the age of 25 the mizukage made Ujiro his successor.

RP sample:(At least 5 sentences)Ujiro casts his gaze over the village hidden in the mist from his kage tower in the center of the village. The waves of the nearby ocean crashing on the shoreline, the air is coll and the breeze is brisk. The kage´s long coat gently sways with the wind, my home people.. this is a good night , ancestors.... I will not forget my vow. the full moon is hanging low in the night sky and the stars are shining more then usual. The silents of the village was peaceful and te soothing sounds of the insects nearby brought him comfort. He looked up at the massive moon and vanished in a blue haze and arrived in a small garden at the base of the tower, the garden stretched around the large tower. He stared at a small patch of grass that had been surrounded by water createing a moat, and on that patch of land there was a single white rose.heh... the image reminded him of his life, he too was alone and the pain of guilt kept him from trying to form bridges. He was cursed to lose all around him but he would do his best for his people and this thought is what made the pain bearable. With the moonlight slowly starting to fade with every passing cloud, Ujiro felt a pressence drawing near but the approaching being brought no evil intention, so ujiro did not react but remain on guard just incase he was wrong. As the target grew closer he noticed that it was one of his hunter-nin return with a bloody sack on his waist, So, it seem we finally caught the traitor... well done he thought to himself but showed no facial expression. The ninja arrived at ujiro's feet and kneeled, Lord Mizukage, I have found the traitor and desposed of his body and brought the head as proof. Ujiro looked down on the young ninja and grabed a strange feeling coming from him, but it was not until he noticed ripples in the near by puddle that his feeling was correct. Just as he finished this thought the young ninja lunged forward revealing his true identity, he was the traitor and by using the transformation jutsu copied the appearence of the hunter-nin that was sent after him. The traitor ninjas blade pierced the kage in the chest but instead of blood, water began to poor out of the wound and then the strange liquid quickly moved up the blade and around the enemy. Once the target was completely coverd the liquid harden into a powerful stone like layer of jelly, immobilizing the traitorous ninja. The mizukage rose slowly from the small puddle of nearby water,why, have you betryed your home.... who are you working for? but the ninja only smiled. Very well, if you will not talk then you must die... you have betrayed this village and the people in it.You will not recieve a quick death. and with a fluid motion he swung his hand up to the strange jellylike substance and tapped it with his index and middle finger. In almost an instant the jelly began tightening around the ninjas body, but the traitor did not make a sound... at first. Soon the howls of the ninja were echoeing threw the village, the kage's personal guard showed up only to see this large orb of blood red liquid floating a few inches above the ground.there's no need for alarm the matter has been dealt with, please dispose of this waste. Ujiro turned around and made his way back to the massive tower, he was humming a sad melody. The bodyguards stood around it looking at it almost afraid to touch it, and as the mizukage faded off into the darkness the orb fell to the ground, creating a large crater in the stone tiles. It was completly solid now, it shined in the light a dark crimson but whn the ninjas touched it the ball was very warm. The ninjas carried it to the shoreline and with one unified effort they hurled the ball into the rushing sea hopeing the strong currents would wash it away.
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Name: Raidon Saiyaku
Age: 25
Group: Hidden Leaf

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PostSubject: Re: Ujiro Sugiura   Ujiro Sugiura Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 3:11 am

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