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 The Hidden Sound Invasion

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3 posters

Posts : 15
Join date : 2009-09-24

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Name: Kohaku Rikudai
Age: 21
Group: Hidden Sound

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PostSubject: The Hidden Sound Invasion   The Hidden Sound Invasion Icon_minitimeTue Oct 20, 2009 4:26 am

Kohaku pulled out his tanto and cut the throat of the Hidden Mist shinobi who had stood in his way. The only opponents he would be facing were of jounin level and up, since his Temple of Nirvana Jutsu had put all of the lower ranking shinobi unconscious. Even now, more Sound shinobi were coming into the village. In order for the operation to be a sucess, he needed to draw out the Mizukage. The only way he could do that would be by killing enough shinobi to show that he was a great threat. "Yougon!" he shouted as three Mist shinobi ran towards him. "Lava Shark Bomb Jutsu!" A shark of lava formed and rammed two of the three shinobi, exploding as it made contact. Two were killed instantly while the third had dodged in time only to turn around to see Kohaku take a stab at his heart with his tanto. After sheathing his blade, Kohaku pulled out kunai with explosive tags and began to throw them at buildings. Stop sending these weaklings and fight me yourself he thought with his thoughts focused upon the Mizukage.
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Posts : 27
Join date : 2009-08-23
Age : 73
Location : BEHIND YOU!!!!!

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Name: Ujiro Sugiura
Age: 25
Group: Hidden Mist

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PostSubject: Re: The Hidden Sound Invasion   The Hidden Sound Invasion Icon_minitimeWed Oct 21, 2009 4:46 am

The village was neary vacant due to the secret evacuation that had been oredered by the remaining guardians, the remaining force were all chunin and above. They were surprised by the sound village attack but felt that they had enough strength to repell this attack but if the leaf was involved then it would be impossible to win. The mist jounin clashed with the sound forces while the guardians dealt with the stronger units, until they sensed the presense of a stronger shinobi causeing massive amounts of damage to the village. The quickly finished off the ninja they were fighting and followed in pursuit of the powerful sound shinobi.It was not long before the shinobi were able to catch up to him, all they had to do is follow the vast trail of there fallen brothers and the burning buildings that he left behind. It seemed he was after the mizukage but this shinobi was also allowing the guardians to gather information of his style and abilities from there quick analysis of the dead ninja. They had finally felt they had enough information on this shinobi and picked up there pace to intercept him before he made it to the mizukages tower in the center of the village, Silver led his team on a path that would aloow them to cut off the shinobi before he could get any further inside the village. The three shinobi shimmered infront of the stranger and without a word they drew their weapons, Silver had his twin white kodachi while black had his white double edge sword and white had a silver spiked chain.

There robes flapping gently in the wind and the fires light shined on there weapons and silver masks, They were ready to battle to the death, they knew this shinobi was powerful and even with there combined strength they may lose but all they had to do was injure the ninja to help the mizukage win. The vast amount of shinobi the mist had is staggering so the invasion force was no real threat to the village it self but using it as a distraction to capture or kill the mizukage was more the case in this situation. They had heard about this tactic from the history books, how a former leaf shinobi used the sand and sound to help him kill the hokage at the time. They would not make the same mistake, They were beyond sanin level and it was three one one. Silver started the fight with a frontal assault leading with his kodachi, as he was about half way to the sound shinobi black ran even fast behind silver jumping off his back into the air. He used one handed seals and using his sword like a ligtning rod he drew a lightning strike from the sky and with his left hand he aimed the blast at the sound ninja. All the while white waited for an opening, his chain was able to hold even the strongest shinobi and nullify any chakra flow in the targets body. The night sky was dark and cloudy but because of the rain the buring building were being put out, this could also weaken the strength of his fire attacks but also increase the power of ours.
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Posts : 15
Join date : 2009-09-24

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Name: Kohaku Rikudai
Age: 21
Group: Hidden Sound

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PostSubject: Re: The Hidden Sound Invasion   The Hidden Sound Invasion Icon_minitimeFri Oct 23, 2009 4:52 am

Kohaku had sensed the presence of the three shinobi and had already began preparations. The lightning bolt that was fired was easily dodged, but as he jumped out of the way, he landed between the three shinobi. He got into his battle stance and his right arm turned brown and hard like a rock as he silently used the Earth Spear justsu. He ran towards white, and threw his heavy punch at him.
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Posts : 27
Join date : 2009-08-23
Age : 73
Location : BEHIND YOU!!!!!

Character sheet
Name: Ujiro Sugiura
Age: 25
Group: Hidden Mist

The Hidden Sound Invasion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Hidden Sound Invasion   The Hidden Sound Invasion Icon_minitimeSat Oct 24, 2009 10:02 am

The three shinobi anaylzed there opponent with every step, slight motion of hand and even his method of breathing. If they were to die the mizukage would have all the information he needed to kill this ninja, they saw the sound ninja dodge the lightning strike with some ease as the blast shattered the ground, scorching the earth. They could sense the release of jutsu as the shinobi carged head on toward a perpared white, black watched from the sky and tried to learn more about his enemy while calculating a plan for his next moves. Silver stoped his charge and used a sign to cast a light mist over the field but this only diminished the vision by a mere 10%, no one will be able to hide in this. The rain was falling harder and the night colder, this was the battle field for the shinobi of the mist, this was there home. They would not be defeated by anyone no matter how strong, White took his stance and awaited the sound shinobi´s attack. He twurled his chain a bit and as the mist slowly crept up on white he suddenly multiplied into two other and as the sound shinobi closed in on him, he flung his chain at an incredible speed the other clones mimiced the same action but there chains targeted different areas. The mist hiding some of the movements and length of the chain as it passed in and out of it, white attacked the head while the other images attacked the legs and chest. It would only take the slightest grip of the chain to damage chakra flow for any of his limbs, silver after using the mist technique began to use the silent step to mask his footsteps on the wet surface, he would occasionally use one of his kodachi to slash the wall or the ground around the area of the fight. Black was now floating above the battle field, a faint shine of strings could be seen all above them but only when the cresent moon managed to escape the black night clouds. Black was about two storys above the field balancing on the string watching like a crow sits on its purch, The field was almost set and the fun would soon begin. They would not allow him to escape and they could only wait to see how the sound shinobi would react to the situation, they never spoke to each other but they knew exactly what the other would do and how they would, a team at its best.

(sorry for the short post im sick)
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Posts : 15
Join date : 2009-09-24

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Name: Kohaku Rikudai
Age: 21
Group: Hidden Sound

The Hidden Sound Invasion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Hidden Sound Invasion   The Hidden Sound Invasion Icon_minitimeWed Oct 28, 2009 4:51 am

One of the chains that the shinobi was throwing hit Kohaku's lava clone in the stomach. The real Kohaku, who had just released his genjutsu, was revealed standing next to Black on the steel wires. "They shouldn't have disrupted the chakara flow." he said into Black's ear. "Now the explosion will be bigger." He jumped backwards into the air as high as he could go. While doing so, he took a slash at Black's throat with his tanto. A second after he jumped away, the Lava Clone exploded, destroying everything within 10 meters. Kohaku landed on the ground and looked into the cloud of dust that had formed to see how many of the shinobi had survived.
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Posts : 27
Join date : 2009-08-23
Age : 73
Location : BEHIND YOU!!!!!

Character sheet
Name: Ujiro Sugiura
Age: 25
Group: Hidden Mist

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PostSubject: Re: The Hidden Sound Invasion   The Hidden Sound Invasion Icon_minitimeWed Oct 28, 2009 9:17 am

When the chain struck the sound shinobi, there was a slight difference in the impact. This alerted the other watching shinobi that were watching the clash, they quickly scattered as the clone began to grow as tho it was about to explode. Black was the one who was surprised at the effectiveness of the enemy's genjutsu, but his advanced skill allowed him to escape the throat cutting of the sounds tanto. But the explosion of the clone blasted the entire field and covered it with smoke, the guardians were still in contact with each other threw there telepathy and where able to plan a counter attack on the sound shinobi who was purched on a roof ledge nearby. His arrogance would not let him see a job half done, but it would be difficult to battle a ninja with both mastery of genjutsu and an amazing skill with multiple elements. Silver paut a ouple of hand signs together and placed his hand on the ground infront of him and in a brief flash of light red was summoned into the party, the three had there own style of battle and it was time to get the game started, red would lead and jumped straight up out of the smoke and extended his arms. His robe sleeves open slightly around his wrists and a flutter of senbon were unleashed at the enemy shinobi, all targetting fatal spots and other non critical areas of the body. Red was aiming to hit his cahkra network as well as a a possible lethal organ.

In the mean time black and silver used this enemy smoke screen in the favor and by using the marks and wires that they had set up earlier they would plan a summoning seal to trap the enemy, but it would take both of them and the seal would take some time to get ready.White was no rookie when it came to genjutsu and was not as worried about it as the others were, white would use a little to confues the traget, he to used the smoke to hide his hand signs and created two water clones and along with them shadow mimiced two illusion clones. All with cahins but the illusions could only draw attention no actual damage could be recieved from them, one of the illusions and one clone fired there chains toward the awaiting shinobi while the other two relocated to another vantage point. Whites actual form sunk into the ground in a water form, they damage to the surrounding buildings was quite extensive but because of the wires and amount of chakra flowing through the walls of the nearby buildings due to the power of the charging seals placed on them the damage was not as great as it would have been. The shinobi could only wait for the reaction of the enemy, it was only a matter of time before the mizukages healing was complete and when he arrives the battle will end quickly as they would have the advantage of 5 on one. It seemed that he was strongest shinobi in this invasion and it would quickly crumble without his might.
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PostSubject: Re: The Hidden Sound Invasion   The Hidden Sound Invasion Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2009 7:44 am


Ryoku was still hidden from sight (or so he thinks) when he saw the Sound invader fighting the Mizukage.

That Sound shinobi is probibly the one who kidnapped the Academy Students! I'm going to have to stay here while they duke it out... After the Sound dude is tired from the match, or defeated, I'll come out... If he's defeated, I hope the Mizukage will be willing to assist me in getting information out of him... If not, I'll be screwed. And if the SOund dude wins, he'll probibly be extremily tired, and with Nibi's help, I might be able to find out where he took them... Then I'll have to kill him.

Ryoku finished formulating his plan and settled down (though still highly on guard) enough to watch the battle unfold while still being at-the-ready in case something goes wrong.
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