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 mastering a third

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Posts : 27
Join date : 2009-08-23
Age : 73
Location : BEHIND YOU!!!!!

Character sheet
Name: Ujiro Sugiura
Age: 25
Group: Hidden Mist

mastering a third Empty
PostSubject: mastering a third   mastering a third Icon_minitimeThu Sep 17, 2009 11:56 am

(words with the line threw them are clone words)

After hours of paper signing and the storm passing the mizukage found himself with some free time but it was to late to really enjoy the sounds of his village, so the kage decided that he wouldn´t let that stop him. He left his kage coat and his hat on his desk and stared out of the many windows in his office, when he dissapeared in a blue puff of smoke. (exit office) He reappeared outside of the mizukage tower, atop a near by buildinghmm, my techniques are getting alittle rusted.. I think I should stop by the training grounds and see what we can do about this. He silently and quick took off in the direction of the training grounds, hoping from roof to roof, consealing his presence to avoid detection. He was moving at amazing speed to the point that his shade could barely be seen, no matter how bright the winter moons light shine down on the village buildings. He held his sword tightly in his left hand and had a small gord of sake in his right, this will do me some.. get a bit of a stretch before the training begins He picked up his already amazing pace and could now see the training ground on the horizon, good he jumped into the air and focused some of his wind chakra to his feet and began running on the air ill need to train every aspect of myself and improve to a level higher then a kage and only then can i assure the survival of the mist village. He had finally arrived infront of an incredibly massive field that had various terrains mixed in from moutains to deep lakes, and it was far enough from the village that no one would hear him train or get in the way of his jutsu.Perfect he said with a slight grin on his face, he moved further in and set down his sake gord. He quickly used some hand signs to summon a powerful water clone, and as soon as the clone was summon it jumped on the attack using his sword. The clone charged with amazing speed and with a lightning swift slash he cut Ujiro inhalf, only to reveal that Ujiro had used his substitution technique to escape.that was good his words echoed in the night as the clone held his guard searching for the source, the clone moved closer to a nearby lake and used a few hand signs and began absorbing the water. The clone was caught be surprise when Ujiro sprung from the water in front of him like a crocodile attacking its prey, he came at the clone with a mighty trust that was so fast you could see the air being cut it moved.

The clone managed to get his guard up enough to deflect the attack away from himself grazing the sleeve of his left arm, the clone quickly countered with a water style: gyser attack using one handed signs while still blocking Ujiro´s sword a quick rumble of the ground underneath them and a beam of hot water bursted through the ground aiming for Ujiro. The mizukage had no time to react and could only throw his arms up to guard himself while a stream of scorching water smashed into him, sending him flying back into a rock face. Come now this can´t be all i have can it, what kind of shinobi are you? You are a kage!... you fight for more then just you!, Now stand The blast had left a thin cloud of steam marking the trail of the attack, Ujiro dashed out of the steam, his clothes soaking wet and torn at the seams of his shirt, he also had some small burns on his forearms. He jumped into the air and used his air walk technique to zigzag in the air pushing off the air like they were walls to increase his speed, once he had build enough he dove at the clone and began spinning in the air at an amazing speed( kinda like kiba´s fang over fang spin) wind style: hurricane rotation!the clone quickly made some hand seals and used a water style:water barrier jutsu to block the attack, and when the two jutsus clashed a strong gust of cold wind was expelled from the point of contact. Ujiro´s rotation began to penatrate the water shield, the clone realized this and withdrew further back before the attack bursted threw the water and smashed down into the ground. hmm, that attack... the clone didn´t give Ujiro anymore time to think and stared his attack once again, the clone used an air style: explosive wind clone jutsu to create two copies of it self. He dashed at Ujiro and the clones followed, they moved in a triangle formation constantly switching in and out of the lead point, the clones approached even closer when one of them clones made some hand signs while another drew his sword from the shealth. One started to linger in the back but Ujiro quickly had to draw his attention from that target to the now even closer clones, the first created a wind sword out and while the other moved into position to try and attack from behind with his sword.

Ujiro threw some hand signs together and using water style: water tsunami jutsu he released tons of water from his mouth, the water quickly engulfed the surrounding area around Ujiro. The sudden rush of water managed to destroy the clone with the sword causing it to explode because of an explosive tag inside it´s body but the clone with the wind sword managed to ride the wave by focusing large amounts of chakra to his feet, Ujiro took a second to survey the field but soon realized that the lingering clone had vanished, could this be my original or is he hiding Ujiro took a second to catch his breath he used a great deal of energy using that move. He soon regained his composure and was ready for the next wave of attacks, the lone clone and his wind sword stood firm on the now gently moving water, Ujiro charged the clone with his sword drawn he rushed some of his chakra into the blade giving it a little blue shimmering aura, that gve off a strange sound. It sounded like waves hitting the shore of a beach, he slowly dropped his sword back behind him on his right side and moved in this position until he was a bit closer and when he was about 15 yards away from the onguard clone he stopped on a dime, using the sudden stop to elevate his sword swing, and by timing his swing and his chakra release he flooded the blade with water and wind elements to launch a water slash. The mix of wind and water shaped it into a cresent that went straight for the clone, the clone not expecting the move attempted to block using his wind sword but the strength and speed of the attack overwhelmed the clone. The clone was sliced in half and burst into a small tornado flinging a hord of kunai with explosive tags on them in all directions. Ujiro lift his hand palm down and as soon as the projectiles came into range of him he rotated his hand palm up, and in that instant a burst of water shot up from underneath the kunai putting them out and washing them away.

Ujiro had not forgotten about the third clone, he was hiding some where planing his next move. Ujiro tryed to prepare for anything but in battle you can never truly plan for it all,where is he? Ujiro sheathed his sword and stood on guard for this clone to appear and just as the blade clicked into the sheath five pillars of water rose from the depths, taking the shapes of dragons, this technique... it´s .. the hydra dragon technique, This was an S-class jutsu that required an insane amount of water, chakra and control to perform. The dragons rose about 80 feet out of the water and began circling Ujiro, they began to roar as one of them lunged at Ujiro followed by another and then another there attacks were swift and the splash created by them hitting the water caused massive waves to form making it hard for ujiro to dodge. The massive beasts continued their relentless assault, dodging these dragons all at once while trying not to get crushed by the rough waves was proving very difficult. Ujiro tried to focus his wind element into the palm of his right hand and took a battou jutsu like stance, the spiralling wind hovering just over the hilt of his sword. He calmly waited for the next dragon to attack, finally after a few moments it was time to test his might the dragon head came striaght towards him, but did not flinch. He remained calm and poised ready for his opening to reveal itself, and as the thunder mass got into a range of 10 feet he acted and drew his sword from his sheath with his right hand. At that same moment the incedible rush of wind chakra being poured through the blue serenity´s hilt and down to the tip of the blade in a spiral around the blade cut through the giant creatures head and sliced almost all the way threw the water dragon´s liquid body. The inpact of the wind and water created the same affect as earlier but on a slightly grander scale, as the parts of the dragon that the blade passed through did not dissovle back into the vast lake but instead crystallized into small shards of ice that fell into the water,as I thought, the clashing of water and the rotating wind have created a powerful ice. Now to see what else I can do with this new knowledge, this will grant me a new edge in combat.(to be continued)
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Posts : 27
Join date : 2009-08-23
Age : 73
Location : BEHIND YOU!!!!!

Character sheet
Name: Ujiro Sugiura
Age: 25
Group: Hidden Mist

mastering a third Empty
PostSubject: Re: mastering a third   mastering a third Icon_minitimeThu Oct 08, 2009 10:16 am

Ujiro stood tall as he stared the other circling drgons down with a cold grin on his face, he gripped his sword tight and waited for the next attack. The night was getting cold and the wind was growing more intense as it created small waves and currents. The mizukage took this small break in the battle to analyze the results of the previous clash and began coming up with ways to better his technique and sought to find a better way to utilize the move. I need to use the technique without having to rely on the intense rotation of the water dragon jutsu, but trying to focus both the rotation of water and wind all at once while in battle will be difficult and time consuming. But by using the blue serenity´s natural flow of water and my skill with the wind element mixed together worked the first time but it was not perfect and that could have been bad if I messed up.As Ujiro fell into deep thought, he was surprised attacked from below. The clone had summoned five chakra sharks that were able to attack from below the water thus preventing Ujiro from standing still and further increasing the amount of targets that he had to keep track of. But Ujiro was able to sense the danger before the full brunt of the attack could hit him but the sharks head breeching the surface did luanch him into the sky, this left him open for the remaining dragons to attack him. Ujiro kept calm as he was shot into the sky and watched as the four remaining dragon heads came full speed at him, but the kage´s face showed no emotion as he flashed some signs together and summoned four clones. He then in one fluid and effortless motion he grabbed each one by the arm as they were summoned and throwing them at the oncoming dragon heads. As the clones flew speeding at the dragons they each began making hand seals and in an instant they commensed rotating at an incredible speed, the clones quickly clashed with the water jutsu spinning straight threw the dragon´s liquid bodies, freezing them as they passed. The four clones were frozen at the bottom of each dragons body as Ujiro watched on from the sky, he was analyzing everything. He watched the four massive dragons stood frozen like giant pillars on the water but when the clones exploded at the base of each dragon, the pillars fell into the large body of water. The frozen masses splashed down into the water lifting hugh amounts of water in to the sky, Ujiro used this shift in the water to locate the sharks and if at possible locate this troublesome clone.

The water settled rather fast and as the water set back into its normal stillness, Ujiro could only see the moon and clouds reflecting back at him in the dark water. The night sky was making it hard to see the clone but because of the sharks chakra bodies they could easily be seen glowingin the dark water swimming around, Ujiro put it together that the clone must be somewhere in the center of the sharks attack formation. Ujiro used his time wisely as he used his float technique to remain high in the sky, planning his next move,This clone is a rather special one, it is a new style of clone that can take damage as well as gather information. It has the ability to learn and adapt to all situations, It vastly increases the amount of information I get when I train with it but because of this fact it is no longer under my control. He could run away right now and live for days, but when it does die all that it had experienced would come rushing back to me. It was a technique that helped me to no end when i was a hunter, I could gather information from many different places at the same time aswell as learn new jutsu. Ive yet to name it but its to risky for mass use and the results vary. Ujiro snapped out of his train of thought and saw his next move, and without hesitation he summoned three clones. They stood next to him in the cold night sky, the full moon at there backs and the strong moonlight casting four large shadows on the dark water below. So what is the plan?... are we sacrifice pieces again or will use us to draw the clone out.said the second clone to his right. Yawn.... this is boring, use your full power and end this. the clone on his left muttered,Silence all of you!, I will drop into the water while all of you distract the sharks, with a three-point whirlpool attack. focus your points around these three locations he then pointed to spots in the water where large mountains once stood but where now submerged beneath tons of water, but the tips of these mountain could till be seen poking out of the water´s surface. The mizukage tighten his out-stretched hand into a fist and the clones vanished from his side and ended up at the center of there target spots. Ujiro waited for there jutsus to take affect, and it did not take them long to put there seals together and began conjuring there massive whirlpools over these giant mountain tops. The sharks were quickly drawn to the motion of moving water but were slowly being sucked into the whirlpool jutsu, the jutsu was creating an opening of air around the rock face, thus when the sharks got to close they were sucked into the gap and smashed into the jaged rocks.

Four of the five were easily destroyed but the fifth remained just outside of range of the three whirlpools, so Ujiro gave a nod to the clones and they instinctivily knew to increase the range of the jutsu´s thus decreasing the amount of room the beast had to move and was finally destroyed but the job was not done yet, Ujiro had noticed that the sharks tryed to stay in one location. This is where the clone was hiding, and with a powerful lunge Ujiro dashed into the unforgiving darkness of the freezing water, staying within the small gap of free water inbetween the intensity of the other clones jutsu. The water was cold and the current under the water was powerful due to the incredible pull of each of the whirlpools, Where is he?....Its taking to long and I cant keep this up for very much longer.Thats when he saw it a white sphere spinning at godlike speed on what used to be the ground. Some he´s been amassing chakra this hole time, but what could he be planning? Of all the jutsu I know there is not one that would require the amount of energy that he has right now. The mizukage had to end this before the clone did something that would alert the mist patrols or even worse put the village in danger. THe kage made one handed seals with both hands and summoned an army of sea creatures ranging from goldfish to whales, he swung his arm forward commanding all the creatures to attack. The smaller creatures were quickly and easily killed but the larger ones were merely repelled back as they rammed the spiraling sphere of chakra, receiving a large amount of damage. Ujiro analyzed the situation and came to the conclusion that these creatures would not be able to help, so he sent them away with a look of sadness as he watched the remaining sea animals vanish with a hord of wounds on there bodies.

The the situation was getting more intense as the clones sphere grew even fast and the density of the chakra was growing even stronger, It was completely immune to the powerful whirlpool currnets and the fast paced chakra was starting to glow a llumenus blue. It shed some light in the darkness but Ujiro was still baffled by this tactic and felt that he had to do something before this jutsu came to be or the clone loses control and this jutsu backfires. Ujiro drew his sword and using his left hand to create one handed seals he used a water technique to split the massive body of water in two, he thought that if he took away the water, that maybe he could slow or even stop the move. But alas he was mistaken, he then dashed at the sphere at full speed and attempted to pierce the orb with the blue serenity, but the spin was to great, the blade slide off and ujiro´s body smacked into the rotation sending his body flying into the wall of water like a cannonball falling into a pond. Ujiro was stunned by the power of this jutsu but he did not falter in his resolve, he would destroy this thing. This clone is proving to be a danger and I can no longer hold back my strength.He stepped out of the water and back into the split he had created, He removed his kage´s coat and instead of floating off it dropped to the ground like a brick, it left a small crater in the ground behind him. He then brought the blade of the blue serenity to his lips and drank some of the flowing water on the blade, and in an instant the minor wounds and scratches on his body faded away. His eyes began to glow a merciless blue, this will be the end of you clone and when are minds unite, I may finally know what you were planing with this.Ujiro had not yet gotten his form correct but he felt that he had attained enough information to attempt this jutsu. He would use the blue serenity´s water element and his left-handed wind orb to mix together and freeze this clone in his tracks. But the technique was dangerous but at this point it was all he could do, he shaped the wind element in his left hand and held there. He then shifted the sword down he would pierce the sphere with his right-handed thrust, then with the right timing he would use his left hand to smash the back of the hilt of his blade. THis would boost the force of the thrust and fire the wind element threw the sword like a bullet mixing threw the blade and finishing the compound in the clones body, or thats what he hoped would happen. Ujiro prepared himself for the deadly clash of power that was about to happen but he showed no emotion and he did not believe he could fail. He lowered his center of gravity to almost a crouching pose and then he shifted the blade to his side around shoulder high and moved the wind chakra filled hand slightly behind the hilt but did not touch it. He waited for the right moment, he wondered why the clone had not attack and what this was all about. He lunged at a speed that could not be seen, his blade shining blue with the flow of chakra and the shimmer of moonlight hitting it, the first strike was dead center on the sphere and with the increase in speed and strength he was able to keep from sliding off. But he could feel the blade starting to slip and in that moment he quickly smashed his left palm into the back of the hilt rocketing the wind element through the sword with tramendous force. The sword pierced the sphere and the clone, but the mixture was to intense and the sudden stop of the sphere created an inbalance, the explosion of elements sent a shockwave threw the entire training field. An enormous cloud of white bursted straight up into the air blanketing the field in a snowy mist, it drew many shinobi to the area and when they arrived they were shocked by what the saw,its...its ninja said while another spoke of the vast amount of ice. When all the smoke finally settled the entire training ground was completely covered in ice, the water had been frozen over and the once towering land masses were now incased in pure ice. There was no sign of the mizukage, and when the confused shinobi got close to the ice it shattered instantly taking everything inside with it, the mountains, the trees all of it was gone. The entire area was now a frozen flat land, and a small figure could be seen in the center of it all.It was the lord mizukage, standing in the center of the field staring up at the moon with a slight smile of satisfaction on his face. He looked at the blade of his sword which was now completely frozen but should signs of thawing, he sheathed the sword and stared his walk to where the groups of shinobi were waiting. When the kage got closer the ninja couldn´t help themselves, they charged him asking questions but the kage said nothing, the crowd was silenced by the arrival of the kage´s private anbu bodyguards.One anbu member spoke in a dark tone Listen, you will speak nothing of this... is that understood. the training ground will be off limits to all ninja until further notice.the masked shinobi said nothing more nor did the other three that came with him. Ujiro vanished without a word, followed by the anbu unit. THe crowd of ninja patrols while still confused began to leave the area as the anbu had ordered, they would prevent any from entering the area until the mizukage said otherwise.

(exit training ground)
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